Cell Phones may not just be Impairing your Child’s Education…

Science has discovered that cell phone use in the classroom not only disrupts a child’s attention from the teacher, but may also create attachment issues impeding the cut of the umbilical cord; they never truly have a sense of independence.

Parent-child relationships will suffer

If this is not enough, and you feel hearing me say it is better, chime in on my Swellcast. I’d love to hear from you—in 24 hours—explained.

When do you feel it an appropriate time to withhold a child‘s phone from them?

Do you have any steadfast rules?


Your Best Vacation

I’ve only really had one vacation, so it’s clearly my best. This doesn’t mean I should give up topping it. I am grateful. There are a lot of families who never get to experience a vacation.

Click on the link below to hear me tell you about it. You be glad you did!

Most incredibly magical ten days!

Now that you know mine, tell me what aired on your amazing getaway!

I’ve Been Carrying the Curse for Redistribution

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

When L❤️Ve is a Debt…

I have always been vocal about my dissatisfaction with the way I was raised. My siblings and I grew up in a household that lacked both financial stability and emotional support. While we did engage in family activities, the underlying emotions were often discordant. The fleeting moments of happiness could not overshadow the prevailing sadness, and even during the joyful times, we felt a sense of indebtedness.

One year, as a 15-year-old, I saved up over $1000 from babysitting all summer with the intention of buying a grandfather clock for my parents. I eagerly awaited the moment to order it from the JCPenney catalog, picturing its chestnut color and the sun and moon rotating with the hands. I was filled with excitement, imagining the recognition I would receive for this significant contribution. However, my parents needed the money to cover a bill and asked to borrow it, promising to repay me.

As Christmas approached, I grew eager to order the clock, only to be given a used 10-speed bike instead. While I was grateful for the gift, my joy faded when my dad revealed it was purchased for $25 at a yard sale, instead of repaying the money I had saved. This revelation made me reflect on my own parenting style, realizing that while I may not have taken money from my children, I may have inadvertently made them feel like they had to earn my love out of guilt.

This realization led me to understand that my children did not choose their circumstances, I chose to bring them into this world on my own, and they should not have to earn my affection. It has taken me this long to recognize that I owe my children a great deal of respect, and that I love them unconditionally. I acknowledge the mistake of perpetuating the cycle of behavior inherited from my parents and have decided to break free from this pattern. I hope I get that chance.

Every Holiday is Unique

Which aspects do you think makes a person unique?

Hold on tight and hope your taste buds are flooded with goodness.

Oh, the thrill of a rollercoaster ride of the gods! The universe has a flair for drama when it comes to my life and celebrating it. Picture this: my mother’s early departure from home on Thanksgiving, a Christmas wedding proposal from my first husband, a Valentine’s Day divorce from my second, and a screwed up Halloween surprise leading to the conception of my daughter – whose birthday falls on Utah’s July 24th holiday! And guess what? She’s off to the airport to join the Marines on Easter Sunday, which makes April Fool’s Day the day she joins!

My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts trying to unravel the mysteries of these holiday happenings. It’s like my brain is on a some freaky gameshow, categorizing everything as either a total disaster or something that predictably means “disaster,” but is salvaged into something good. But when I look at the big picture, it’s clear – most holidays have been a cardiograph of emotions, except for the ones involving my daughter. Those moments have been challenging but oh-so-rewarding, teaching me valuable lessons along the way. And as I gear up for today and tomorrow, I know they won’t be a walk in the park, unless there’s a thunderstorm involved. But hey, if I can handle a bizarre conception and a tough delivery, I can handle anything that comes my way, and the more difficult the trial, the better the reward.

Let’s not forget the cherry on top – my own birthday falling on the Sunday before Labor Day. Was it fate or just my mom’s impeccable timing that she went into labor a day early? 😂 Either way, it’s these unique twists and turns that make my life one gigantic puzzle of unique events.

Every experience is new

Like Forrest Gump says, “My momma always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get…’.”but you’re bound to get something other than what you got now.

How does one seal Pandora’s Box?

Once you remember, you can’t forget.

At age 23 or 24, you’ve probably heard me speaking about the retrograde and anterograde amnesia I got to experience. The humorous thing is that after watching so many romantic movies about “damsels in distress” discovering their forever man, I wished I had it too. Believe me, those movies were lying! It’s nothing like that!

The way I had it happen was from a prescription that I shouldn’t have been taking, prescribed by a physician I didn’t know. But, hey! She’s a doctor—she certainly knows what she’s doing when she tells me my mind is screwy, because when she asks how I feel, I say, “okay.” Apparently, I should have broken into a song and dance from Mary Poppins!

Reaction: anterograde and retrograde amnesia.

My entire life, it seems I’ve been working at regaining and retaining my memory so I can function, you know? My memory used to be unbelievably great! I had a mental rolodex with phone numbers, movies, books, and practically anything I wanted to recall later. And I decided I wanted it back. What did I do? I worked at it—HARD! And—I finally did it!

If you’d like to hear me explain in a five minute, one-sided conversation, here you go! Just don’t say I didn’t warn you…


HOPE: a four-letter-word designed to keep us going… and it works!

Without Hope, we wouldn’t breathe

Think about a time you had a foolproof idea and were eager for a friend or family member’s input. Instead of lifting you up, they eagerly expressed all the things that could go awry with your idea and then top it off by telling you how ridiculous you are for even thinking about it.

Can you imagine someone from the 1920’s reaction when hearing about computers you talk into, find directions on, send (e)mail through, and watch images of people speaking to them—all carried in your pocket? Yet, every component that creates the cellphone has had every one of the materials available for centuries!

Nothing is impossible! However, with success comes trials and errors… powered by Hope.

Welcome into a 3.5 minute talk by yours truly! https://www.swellcast.com/t/SU7aIXeF6pOWX8G

Without hope, there’s no purpose.


In the chaos of parenthood, a restless soul resides,
Juggling tasks and emotions, on a turbulent ride.
Yearning for moments of peace and quiet,
Yet always on edge, ready for a riot.

Sleepless nights and endless days,
Guiding little ones through life’s maze.
Worry and wonder, intertwined in a dance,
A restless parent, taking a chance.

Balancing love and discipline with care,
Nurturing young hearts, always aware.
In the whirlwind of parenthood’s storm,
A restless parent finds strength to transform.

Strategies to Abolish Negativity

It’s important to realize responsibility relies within, so, the only one who garners a negative or positive outcome is the person entertaining those thoughts. It’s the old, “glass half full” example, right? It’s more than the amount in the glass; it’s what is in the glass that matters as much.

Give this some thought. What does it mean?

Every positive event happening to us has a negative connotation to it, but we tend to overlook these, primarily because doing so fails suiting a purpose. This would also be considered “looking a gift horse in the mouth.” We seldom feel comfortable doing this, and that’s a good thing. Because by practicing anything, habits are created.

It’s all a perception.

Only terribly grumpy people tend to notice negativity in everything around them, which also means the opposite; seeing the positive aspects can lead to habitually positive thinking. Don’t get me wrong! No one said it was easy, but it could easily become a habit, which would make it so.

Yes, you must work for true happiness.

What’s expressly important is when we teach others, such as our children, about such practices while they are younger, so that the habits are easier to attain. Who knows, perhaps their good mood will rub off a little more on you when you’re having a particularly rough day. 😉

The Land of the Free Isn’t: Would you like the Red or Blue pill with your meal?

“You take the blue pill… the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill… you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
~ Morpheus, (1999), The Matrix

When personal values and political structures collide, one man cannot serve two gods, even if he’s the United States president. Quite honestly, all that will happen if TikTok is laid upon the chopping block is the country will turn upon itself. With incomes governed by wealthy investors and businesses of political power, the only hope for someone in the United States to survive is entrepreneurship; many of whom originated via social media. By closing off the valve of oxygen, panic will undoubtedly ensue, and an uprising will occur to remain alive.

However, Biden simultaneously discourages post-high school education with the ability of lower-paying jobs not requiring degrees. Is this in answer to all the student loans the government has been squashing? If so, does it not seem as if ignorance is the goal? Because all of this, combined with blacklisting books at rates 33% higher than the previous year, has a mysteriously familiar ring to it, doesn’t it?

And let’s not stop with Biden, because as scary as he is, there’s certainly worse! Remember in school, when others dared to sit facing a mirror in the dark and mutter the words, “Bloody Mary” three times? That’s the negative vibes I get from saying the Republican Party contender, so my better judgment urges my silence here. But that doesn’t mean the Tic Tac popping predator must remain silent quiet to prove my point. Let’s allow him to speak for himself with the few, yet simple, vocabulary words of a third grade bad boy.

Should we entertain the idea of enticing Morpheus into a leadership role within the government? The notion of President Morpheus sparks a new curiosity – what potential lies in store for our children under his guidance?

Can America win with any candidate?

Fate is in Our Hearts

Do you believe in fate/destiny?

We create our Fate with our actions.

Being a hypnotherapist, who was previously involved in a religious group that manipulated its followers’ beliefs into providing for the leaders, my understanding of the power each of us holds in our own minds proves overwhelming. The thought of Fate having a hand in our own actions isn’t as hard to come by as believing a being, whom no one has seen, has given us control and is watching to make sure we choose correctly—by following ten rules that no one can wholeheartedly follow.

In us taking responsibility for our actions, blaming no one else, and accepting the consequences that fall upon us, we will do what we feel is correct: no need for following ten out-of-reach goals.

Treat others in the manner you wish to be treated—not feeding them what you eat; rather causing them to feel what you feel by giving them nourishment they appreciate, the same as you would enjoy it.

Fate and destiny? Create your own surroundings by giving those around you a reason to be happy. By doing this, you will create your own happiness and a fulfilling future.