“Knock, Knock!”

“Who’s there?”


“Jason who?”

Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you.

“I’m here, Jason case you need me!”

Imagine connecting with someone who took you in when your parents turned on you, but when things didn’t pan out the way you’d hoped, you ended up making the best decision of your life?

And then, one day, you discover the person who helped you before was as lost as a teeny-tiny rock in the center of the Pacific Ocean. Would you dare go lurking in the midst of the limitless dark, unaware of what may be awaiting your arrival? Although it seems a bit extreme, that’s exactly what happened when my brother came to visit me for the first time in years, following my amnesia. And it wasn’t that he hadn’t visited in a while, it was that no one visited at all.

These are the bonds that create gratification and emotional debt; because I am.

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