I Asked for Time…

Do you need time?

Of all the objects we can change, TIME isn’t one.

… but that’s an elusive request. No one has the authority of granting more time, only shifting time slots around. We often find ourselves wishing for more time or feeling rushed by its passing. It’s intriguing how the word “time” is used in different contexts, much like the versatile word “fuck.” We say phrases like “I need more time” or “What time is it?” without realizing the depth of meaning behind those words.

Imagine a world where we could manipulate time, where we could control its flow and duration. It’s an enticing thought, but also one that raises important questions. Would we use this power responsibly, or would we be tempted to abuse it? As humans, we have a tendency to believe that once we understand something, we can control and master it. But perhaps there are certain things, like the passage of time, that are best left to unfold naturally.

In a world where time manipulation was possible, it would be crucial for us to approach this power with great responsibility and respect. The ability to control time is a concept that both fascinates and raises important questions. Would we use this newfound ability wisely, or would we be tempted to exploit it for personal gain? As humans, we often believe that once we understand something, we can control and master it. However, we must remember that some things, like the passage of time, are best left to unfold naturally.

In this hypothetical world, it becomes even more vital for us to consider the consequences and the impact on the natural order of things. We must recognize that certain experiences and processes require time to develop and unfold in their own unique way. By approaching time manipulation with caution and respect, we can ensure that we preserve the beauty and integrity of the natural flow of life.

It doesn’t seem our planet is prepared for this at the current time. We’re still quarreling over land and resources as if we’re four children in the sandbox fighting over who gets to use the pale and shovel, instead of using them together, while child number three creates the blueprint and the fourth builds it. Instead, we have four angry kids, a bucket, a shovel, and formless sand everywhere. Rather than working together, the kids are screaming between hammering blows, or howling with tiny fists rubbing their eyes. No one wins. And time? It marches on… crying babies in its wake.

Mindfulness of “Appreciation Day”

Invent a holiday! Explain how and why everyone should celebrate.

Feeling gratitude is priceless

Imagine a day, out of the 365 days in a year, dedicated to appreciating the incredible impact that our kids, spouses, parents, friends, teachers, clergymen, police officers, firefighters, doctors, and others have on our lives. Let’s delve into why such a day would be remarkable:

  1. The holiday would prompt people to reflect on the positive events that have unfolded throughout the year and how they have influenced us.
  2. A Day of Appreciation would serve as a reminder to those who perform good deeds that their actions were truly life-changing and worth remembering.
  3. Expressing gratitude fosters mutual emotions and encourages the continuation of kind acts.
  4. Sharing our gratitude would reveal to those who have never considered the profound impact of seemingly small acts that they can make a significant difference in the lives of others.
  5. Happiness begets more happiness. By sharing stories of inspiring events on platforms like TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora, etc., people would be inspired to seek out more positive happenings, thus shifting their mindset away from negativity.
  6. There is nothing wrong with embracing an outlook that brings us happiness. Having a day solely dedicated to appreciation wouldn’t be a sad occasion or require spending excessive amounts of money to remind us of our joy.

Personally, I would find it immensely meaningful to receive a call from someone saying, “Hey, remember that time when my car broke down and I needed to get to the store, but the weather was relentless? You saved me in ways you can’t even imagine.” Such genuine appreciation would mean far more to me than receiving traditional gifts like chocolates, flowers, or gift cards. If nothing more than causing people to stop and take an inventory for a change.

So, how do you feel about the concept of Appreciation Day?

Is Repeating the Third Grade for You?

Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?

Most important human rules aren’t graded

Life is about learning and growing. If you don’t learn something the first time, you’ll have another chance to learn it in the future. Sometimes, the opportunity may not be exactly the same, but it will be similar enough for you to realize that the problem lies with you, not with others. If you’re wise enough to recognize your flaws, you can think through them and make the necessary changes. You don’t have to start from the beginning, just focus on the specific lesson before moving forward.

However, some people are too stubborn, egotistical, or sociopathic to learn from their mistakes. They can keep repeating the same grade over and over, but they won’t change.

There is no need to repeat things because once time has passed, it cannot be regained. Repeating something would mean taking away time from another experience, which would disrupt the flow of time. It is important to pay attention and learn from the first instance, especially when it comes to raising children. Apologies cannot undo what has already been done.

No One is Safe


What’s something you believe everyone should know?

Cheers to that special person in your life.

No matter how slow you drive, no matter how carefully you look both ways, no matter how paranoid you are before you open the door, no one is ever safe. Nothing is perfect; it can fail.

Learn to live and appreciate the current moment you’re in right now. Look around you and understand this moment will never happen again—not a probability, a certainty.

The first person you see that you know—tell them how important they are to you. You may never get a chance to do it again. LIVE!

Love your family today

How to Feel Forever Young

What does it mean to be a kid at heart?

…Wouldn’t want it for the world.

When people say they want to be young forever, they generally aren’t speaking about how great it is not to be aware of what’s happening in the world. They also probably aren’t talking about killing off Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. However, they do love the feeling of not being held accountable for every little mistake they make. Most times we tell the kids not to worry about it, and now they understand why it’s a rule. Bank? How would it be to start of learning about the hard-earned dollar by saving it without someone else laying claim to it first? Never having had this myself, I do understand the positive message doing this relates to the brain: Save! Save! Save! And watch it grow!

“You’ve mowed the lawn and cleaned your room. Take out the garbage, and the remainder of the weekend is yours!” you might say. That is, before flopping down to sort bills and calculate the payments. Laundry? Shit—Travis has his meeting tomorrow and needs his dress shirt cleaned and pressed. And what about the luncheon tomorrow with the girls? Can’t miss that one—Melissa got pretty upset the last time you missed her birthday. Also, the dog’s been acting weird. Laying down all over the place and whining a lot. He probably needs a vet. Meanwhile, you’ve been so busy that if not for someone asking, “What are you making for dinner?” you might forget.

When you’re all done, you go to bed, toss and turn all night, and wake up to do it again. Entering the kitchen, your son is sitting at the table with a stack of toasted waffles drenched in syrup. “Hey,” he covers the phone with his hand, “the guy’s want to come over tonight to watch the game. That’s cool, right, Mom?” You smile and prepare for seven rambunctious teens and a totally ransacked kitchen, which will need to be thoroughly cleaned tomorrow.

Oh, to be young again…. but would I want to relive my life? No thanks! I’d much rather remain how I am. In my head, I have the same foolish jokes playing out as I always have, bigger goals, and I know now that thirty is not even close to being old, which is a good thing. Too many lives would run amuck if not for you. But in that dream last night, I got to be twenty for free, without negative repercussions, and it was awesome!


Things less common are more appreciated

What is your favorite hobby or pastime?

Nothing beats an escape from pressure

Relax. Simply relax. What exactly do you do when you relax? Some might claim, “absolutely nothing,” but they would be mistaken. Sometimes, taking a moment to unwind is the best choice you can make! If it brings us so many advantages, why don’t we participate in it more frequently?

Responsibilities. Particularly as a single mother. You have an abundance of commitments that if they were represented by pennies, you’d never have to work another day in your life! You are the core of the household. Without you managing the household, chaos would ensue, so you keep everything running smoothly; finances, bills, appointments, school supplies—everything. And by the time the day comes to an end, you’re genuinely too exhausted to even speak, let alone find time for relaxation. Carving out time for relaxation feels like discovering Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket, but it shouldn’t be that way.

I started my day by meditating this morning, and it was truly amazing! The practice of meditation has a profound impact on my overall sense of relaxation throughout the day. It helps me find a sense of peace and tranquility that carries over into every aspect of my life. Taking that time for myself in the morning has become an essential part of my routine, and I can’t imagine starting my day without it. It’s incredible how something as simple as meditation can have such a positive and transformative effect on my well-being.

Honesty isn’t Always Best

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life.

I reluctantly begin by stating that my social abilities are most accurately described as HFA or High Functioning Asperger’s, even though many individuals have a limited understanding of the condition. However, it is crucial for me to address this in order to convey the key aspect that holds significance for me. Before delving into that, I want to emphasize that there are numerous variations within the Asperger’s community, and the following description represents just one of them. Additionally, it is worth noting that approximately 25-30% of individuals with Asperger’s do not communicate verbally. Although I am not among them, there are instances where I recognize the value of remaining silent.

There are moments when I consciously choose not to speak, particularly when I observe something that falls short of perfection. Although imperfections serve as valuable opportunities for growth and learning, not everyone is receptive to or interested in hearing opinions about them, even when explicitly solicited with a question like, “What do you think?” It is essential for me to exercise caution and pay close attention to the underlying messages being conveyed, a skill that does not come naturally to me. I often assume that if someone asks for my input, they genuinely want to know, but I have come to realize that this assumption is often misguided.

Being honest let me to believe I was as close to perfection as a person could hope for.

I feel compelled to articulate the significance of honesty for individuals like myself. On the surface, it may appear to be a straightforward principle: tell the truth. However, in reality, it is far from simple. I have always viewed truthfulness as the most efficient means of unraveling the core of any issue. As someone who values honesty, I have often expressed my pride in this virtue by questioning the purpose of saying anything if it isn’t true. I have also pondered why anyone would engage in an act they are not proud enough to admit to. From my perspective, if one simply refrains from such actions, there is no need for confession. It is a way of living in alignment with one’s values and upholding personal integrity.

I now realize that there are instances where not being completely honest is the best approach, and sometimes saying nothing at all is the most appropriate course of action. A relevant example is when my iPad went missing for several months. While I made occasional efforts to find it, I could easily rely on my phone or laptop, so it didn’t seem like a significant issue. However, the reason I had the iPad was to keep my business separate from personal matters. As time passed and my search proved unsuccessful, my mind started considering other possibilities. I began to suspect that someone may have taken it, but I was unsure of the culprit. Given that we don’t receive many visitors, it seemed like it should be easy to identify who took it. However, in this situation, it may have been best for me to say nothing at all, rather than jumping to conclusions or making accusations without solid evidence. What else could I do?

My daughter briefly had a relationship, but they mostly stayed in the living room. Additionally, her friend was someone I had a high level of trust in. She sheets did what she said she’d do, she had me help her a couple of times in creating surprises for my daughter, and she was on time ubless she called with a good reason for being late.

In addition to my daughter’s friend, we also had my son’s girlfriend as a visitor, and I had a strong level of trust in her as well. Interestingly, both of these individuals shared certain traits with me, which could explain why my children felt comfortable around them. It was important for me to maintain that trust because if I couldn’t, I would feel foolish for having placed my trust in them in the first place.

As time went on, my frustration grew, and I found myself practically tearing the place apart in my search.


The thought of all the sensitive information stored on the tablet – passwords, accounts, and more – started to worry me. Despite my concerns, no new information surfaced, and neither of my children were willing to assist me in my search.

Feeling utterly perplexed, I requested my children to ask their friends if they had any insights about the whereabouts of the iPad. Both came back with the response that they had no knowledge of its location. Through the process of elimination, I became increasingly certain that I hadn’t simply misplaced it. I trusted my kids to be honest with me (or did I?), and the only other individuals present were the only other possible explanation for its disappearance.

You can’t get blood from a tree, and you can truly only apologize once.

Several months later, having resigned myself to the idea that I would never find the iPad, I embarked on a reorganization of the dining room. The decision was made to relocate the cat food to a more suitable location, away from behind the dining table. While wiping down the area, I accidentally moved the knee-high shelf, and to my astonishment, something unexpected tumbled out. Can you believe it? You guessed it so accurately without even uttering a word – it was my iPad. Somehow, it had been wedged so far back on the bottom shelf that it was completely hidden from view. Clearly, not a suitable place at all for keeping an iPad.

However, I was convinced that if my son saw the iPad, with his girlfriend by his side, he would confront me about ever suggesting that she might have taken it. Therefore, I made the decision that even though I rarely apologize, I owed her an apology. The very next time they visited, I took the opportunity to express my remorse for suspecting her of taking the iPad. I felt an immense sense of guilt for entertaining such thoughts, knowing that I should have had more faith in her.

She looked at me with disbelief. “You actually believed I stole your iPad? I have a job, you know. If I wanted an iPad, I could afford to buy one myself!” I tried to explain my reasoning, the exhaustive search I had conducted throughout the house for months, and how it seemed like the only logical conclusion. But even then, finding it in that particular spot must have been a bizarre coincidence. Frustrated and determined, they stormed out, clearly upset about the accusation.

Making exceptions for my son’s life by apologizing, despite instinctual shrink.

After carefully considering my options for a few days, I came to the conclusion that taking her out to lunch and having an open and honest conversation would be the best approach. I discussed this with my son, who conveyed the message to her, and she agreed to it. However, on the scheduled day, she sent me a text saying she couldn’t make it. Although I felt frustrated, I tried my best not to show it and calmly asked her to check her schedule and let me know another suitable time. Unfortunately, she did not respond to my request.

A few days later, I reached out to my son to inquire about her plans for our lunch meeting. He informed me that her schedule was uncertain, but she promised to contact me when she had a free slot. However, when I asked to speak with her directly on his phone, she declined and became extremely angry when I called her own phone. “I refuse to have lunch with someone who believes I am a thief,” she exclaimed in shock.

This conversation quickly took a turn for the worse, as I found myself crying into the phone and desperately begging for forgiveness for a mistake I had made – simply by being honest. And that’s pretty much the extent of it.

At present, they have moved in with her mother. My son is refusing to talk to me, and I am being portrayed as the antagonist in this situation. Reflecting on it, I realize that I should never have apologized for something I had never actually accused her of in the first place.

Timing and context are crucial in every situation, especially when it comes to honesty.

Idle Hands are the Devil’s Workshop

How do you relax?

To me, relaxation is not synonymous with idleness. On the contrary, it involves actively accomplishing tasks and being productive, as it helps me avoid the feeling of wasting time. It is in these moments of accomplishment that I find true relaxation.

Allowing Fate full reign of your being spells

The saying “idle hands are the devil’s workshop” suggests that remaining idle or unoccupied can lead to negative or undesirable outcomes. It implies that keeping oneself busy and engaged in productive activities is important to avoid falling into mischief or trouble.

Can an Amnesiac Forgive and Forget?

Are you holding a grudge? Does it suit you?

Yes, you’ve heard it before, “The past is the past, and you can’t undo it.” Speaking as someone who literally has very little past to grasp onto, due to the amnesia, I can say that I’ve forgotten the past. The repercussions? That’s another story, because your past has not forgotten you.

Starting with a clean slate isn’t always it’s cracked up to be, because others still remember the things you’ve experienced, and it may have impacted them. When people anticipate you having a learned a particular lesson, it’s nearly assumed you’ve learned something—otherwise, they consider you a dimwit who can be taken for granted. Then again, some people have done things to you that they will continue to do as long as you let them. That’s where memories of the past are important to maintain. Without that scope, I was at an extreme disadvantage, and some people utilized my ignorance to their pronounced benefit.

Amnesia erases memory, not common sense.

Meditation is an incredible way to come to terms with such a situation. It’s all about forgiveness, which brings me back to the sentence beneath the picture. Forgiving someone simply means letting the past go. It doesn’t mean that you’re naïve enough to allow them access again. The purpose of me forgiving is for my own benefit, not theirs. It allows me to move on with my life. And I’ve still got a lot of life left to live. I simply don’t include those who hold me back or weigh me down, regardless of who they may be. I’ve only time for inspiration.

Take care of yourself by forgiving, but not forgetting. I do. As my days progress I am that much happier.

People Helping People

What brings a tear of joy to your eye?

The thing that truly doesn’t get enough attention anymore is when people take the time and energy to be considerate towards others. When I see a stranger offering assistance to someone, especially without being asked, it’s usually done out of compassion. How does love create animosity?

It doesn’t cost to genuinely care.

Usually, it’s compassion. Consideration.